
Five safety tips for newcomers to moving to Canada alone

Five safety tips for newcomers to moving to Canada alone

Safety of the country gives a high-quality experience of life to the newcomers. Although if you are unaccustomed to the culture of the country or you are moving out for the first time then giving priority to your safety still comes first.

One way to feel safer is to learn the local language. You can hire an online language tutor or use language apps to help you understand and communicate better. This can make your daily life easier and help you connect with the locals, making you feel more at home and secure.

In this article, we will provide you with some safety tips for moving out to Canada alone which include safe housing, emergency services, and guidance for newcomers. 

Take Advantages for single women and solo newcomers

Although you may be moving to Canada alone, don’t think that you are managing your well-being and comfort alone. Some numerous dedicated organisations and networks that can help you and make you feel comfortable and also ensure your safety in your new house.

Build a safe network around you

Building a network of reliable contact is a great idea for a single newcomer who can keep a general eye on your wellbeing and locality. 

Some places are given below where you can start building your safety network in Canada: 

Neighbours or roommates who you can trust:

Trusting your Neighbours or roommates are great liaisons because they are familiar with your daily routine. You can get the contact number of your roommate or neighbour and let them know to keep an eye on you. 

Groups of University:

The university provides a regular digital chat group for newcomer students and also provides in-person meetups to check in.

Chat and support groups which are managed by newcomers organisations

Contact with other newcomers through support groups is a great way. With the help of these organisations, you will be able to connect with other newcomers near you. 

List of some organisations that provide support to newcomers:


  • Indo-Canadian women’s Association 
  • Calgary Immigrants women’s Association 
  • Alberta Association of immigrants serving Agencies


  • Immigration Partnership Winnipeg
  • Manitoba START
  • Manitoba Interfaith Immigration Council 

British Columbia:

  • Surrey Women’s Centre
  • Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre

Nova Scotia:

  • Immigrant service of Nova Scotia
  • Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women


  • Center international des femmes de Québec
  • South Asian Women’s Community Centre
  • Voice of English-speaking Quebec
  • Center multiethnique  de Québec

Keep secure your important documents and finances

It is important to keep your documents such as your passport, SIN (Social Insurance Number), health documents, and insurance secure because it is difficult to replace. Some tips are given below to keep your document secure: 

  • You should avoid carrying important documents with you if you don’t need them.
  • Always keep a duplicate copy of your important documents by scanning or by clicking pictures. 
  • Never share your banking or personal information with any people you don’t know online or any person who asks for your SIN, your student number, etc. 

Select a Safe and Comfortable place to live

Most cities in Canada are safe but if you are alone and you want to find a safe place or safe neighbourhood then you can check statistics like the crime rate in the area that determines the safety of the neighbourhood. 

If you are planning to immigrate to Canada alone then finding a safe apartment or room is a top priority for you. You can live with a roommate to increase your safety. Some points that you should keep in mind while searching for a living place online:

  • Avoid those deals that are listed lower than the market price. These types of deals may provide you with a place that is in poor condition.
  • Ask for a video chat room with both the landlord and your potential if you are not able to visit the apartment to check.
  • Don’t give your personal information to a potential landlord which is not necessary.

Learn how to Navigate your city safely:

If you are planning to obtain Canada PR, or want to move alone to Canada then first of all you should start exploring the city such as the rules and regulations of the and lows of the city and also the most secure ways to navigate your city.

Transportation in Canada

Public transportation such as buses or trains is a safe and secure form of transportation option in Canada that you can use to move from one place to another place. This public transportation is also clean and well monitored. You can get the help of the bus driver whenever you feel uncomfortable on the bus. You can also use rideshares such as Lyft and Uber, these rideshares are also the most secure way to get around in Canada. Using cabs is more secure than a taxi. 

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