
7 elements of User On-boarding for your product

Feel like your product purchase is a beautiful view from top of the mountain. User need to climb that mountain (user flow) and pay if the view is awesome.

You don’t get a second chance to make a great first impression. What happens after a user comes across your product is a delicate opportunity to make or break a relationship.⠀

Here, elaborating 7 elements of User Flow:

#1 Explain Benefits Comprehensively

Use the Tool Tip App available open-source code. Thoroughly explain the use cases and each feature to the user. Use your design matrix to explain the benefits.

#2 Spark the WOW Moment Early

Spark the best moment of your product as early as possible. Show demo content like if your product is for health industry show end report on few click (maximum 3 clicks ) or if you in education industry show; certificate on few clicks.

Your goal is to explain the benefits to user in few steps.

Read: What is Product?

#3 Make an Emotional Connection

Show your product features with logic but don’t underestimate the emotional connections. 55% product gets sold once user gets emotionally connected to the product. You have to create a maximum touch base where user connects himself/herself with design, color, use case, etc.

#4 Help User Rationalize their Decision

Once the user is connected with the product emotionally than show the choices (Use Famous Choice Model like Starbucks Coffee) where users have a feeling of making his own decision rationally. 

#5 Clear Halted Progresses

Access the point of frictions and missing inputs from user intelligently without pushing customers much. Make user people are not getting slower because of pushing popups or alerts.

#6 Give User Quick Wins

Give wins to the user; play with content and smooth design. I would say filling up important information would give a fill of win to user take work as an energy booster for your product.  Keep maintaining the pick view for the user.

#7 Keep User on Track

 Use Magical Chat services or interpersonal help kits and video capturing tools like hotjar to be connecting and tracking the whole user journey.  It is all about time you give to understand user behavior. If you understand your user your user will not hesitate to pay for your product and services.

Every product or app brings a unique set of challenges. Use the tools and techniques learned above to measure, test, and validate user onboarding ideas.⠀

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